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Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Written by Marie Sims | 4.23.2024

Spring has arrived! If you live in Houston like we do, this season marks the welcome arrival of longer days and warmer temperatures as well as the very UNwelcome arrival of high pollen counts. Life’s beauty is in its juxtapositions, right? As you enjoy this season, be sure to give your house a little TLC. The cold and wet Houston winter may have taken a toll on your home, so today we’re going to share several home maintenance items to tackle during this Spring season.

Here are the six home maintenance tasks we suggest doing during the Spring season:

  1. Exterior Drainage: Walk around your home after a big rain to make sure water is draining AWAY from your foundation.
  2. Gutters: Clean your gutters to prevent buildup and avoid trouble spots on your roof.
  3. Exterior Inspection: Do a quick walk around your home to check for paint chipping, siding damage, foundation cracks, window cracks, door & window caulking issues, and weather-stripping gaps.
  4. Landscaping: Clear all dead plants to ensure the health of other plants and cut down any damaged tree branches that are close to your home.
  5. Irrigation: Hire an irrigation specialist to ensure your sprinklers are not spraying on the house and are providing correct coverage to landscaping.

To learn which home maintenance tasks to tackle during the Summer, Fall, and Winter seasons, download our free Home Maintenance Checklist here. 

If you’ve downloaded our free Home Maintenance Checklist already, you know that there are also items that we suggest tackling on a monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual basis as well. Regardless of the season, these items should be repeated regularly in order to keep your home as healthy and high-performing as possible. 


  1. Sink Disposal (put lemon slices down, or frozen vinegar ice cubes)
  2. Range Hood Filters (soak them in degreaser and warm water)
  3. Garage Doors (test garage door sensors)
  4. GFCI Outlets (press the test button and use a voltage tester to make sure the power goes off)
  5. Pool Maintenance (sign on a pool maintenance company for WEEKLY service)


  1. HVAC Filters (replace HVAC filters at least every three months)
  2. HVAC Condenser (clean leaves and debris from the condenser)
  3. Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Detectors (press the test button every three months, replace batteries at least once a year)
  4. Test Water (flush toilets and run a little water through taps of rarely-used bathrooms)
  5. Insects (employ a pest control company to protect your home’s interior and exterior on a quarterly basis)


  1. Deep Clean (appliances, windows, deep dusting, etc.)
  2. Refrigerator Coils (vacuum the coils below your fridge to keep it running efficiently and lasting longer)
  3. Dryer Exhaust Vent (clean out your clothes’ dryer exhaust duct to minimize fire hazard)
  4. Sink Traps (dismantle and clean sink traps – the curved pipe below the sink - to clear obstructions & buildup)
  5. HVAC (hire specialist to clean condensate from drain lines, check for duct leaks, etc.) Don’t wait for the dead heat of the Texas summer to realize your HVAC system needs attention!

Looking for some Spring cleaning tips? Visit our previous blog post here. 

We know this list may look daunting, but don’t let the responsibility of home ownership get you down. Keep in mind the joy and comfort your home brings to you and look at it like another member of the family; everyone needs a little TLC every now and then! Your home is likely your biggest financial investment, and tackling these home maintenance items on a regular basis is the best way to increase its longevity and value. Happy Spring everyone!